Investigación y desarrollo experimental en ciencias naturales y técnicas
Productos y servicios
investigacion aplicada e innovacion tecnoligica
Otra investigación y desarrollo experimental en ciencias naturales y técnicas
Otra investigación y desarrollo experimental en ciencias naturales y técnicas
Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
The company, with registered head office located in Boecillo, Spain, operates as a horizontal centre which covers a wide range of scientific disciplines. The company’s characteristic, which makes it stand out from other technology centres of a more vertical or specialised nature, enables the company to provide companies with integral solutions. The company’s mission is to make its name an international hallmark in applied research, technological development and innovation in processes, products and systems characterised by offering multidisciplinary integral solutions and by the ability to anticipate the needs of society, the business world and universities. It maintains the same values and objectives with which it was incorporated in 1994 and priority is placed on contributing to the development of its social and economic environment through the use and encouragement of technological innovation via the development and diffusion of research. The company has a staff of 200 researchers and a client portfolio comprising 120 enterprises and institutions.